This Week in Coffee
Tasting Notes: How Your Barista Is a Spotify DJ
Like many baristas, I came to the coffee profession in part because of coffee shops - not just because it’s where your latte comes from but because it’s the place you can sit and unwind, read your favorite book, maybe have a cheerful, surface-level conversation with a stranger.
Coffee shops, at their best, should be safe spaces where anyone who’s anyone can sit, have a drink, and feel welcome. And, for me, music has always been an important part of that experience, both as a barista and as a customer.
How to Make the Perfect Macchiato — Part II
You have just landed in Florence, Italy. You couldn’t sleep on the plane and the local time is 9 AM. Your eyelids struggle to stay open as you try to hunt down your luggage at the baggage claim. The Starbucks mermaid is beckoning you to drink a “venti caramel macchiato” and you succumb to her lures.
You take a sip of your “macchiato”. It’s delicious. The creaminess, the caramel drizzle, the slight notes of “espresso” all come together and you chase down your bags with this newfound energy.
It’s 2 PM in the afternoon and you’ve settled down at a cozy restaurant...